As of November 5th, 2021. Upper Canada Growers Ltd, has purchased Northshore Grapevine Nursery. With the help of Dave Hildebrandt, the Haynes family is committed to make a smooth transition and maintaining the same high standards and quality that growers have become accustomed to at Northshore. We realize Dave has built a strong relationship with growers and we value everything he has done for the industry, and we hope we can build off of his incredible reputation.
UCG will be taking over all Northshore’s existing contracts in this purchase. UCG is looking forward to expanding the capacity of Northshore. In conjunction with CGCN, UCG looks forward to growing the market with Brock University the expert in testing grapevine material. In 2023 Upper Canada Growers will be introducing tissue culture grape vines to the market, with the help of Guelph University and Brock University, we hope to be the leader in the industry in clean grapevines.